The CHAMPIONS ORDER Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") recognises that as a company providing consulting services related to coffee, it has an important social responsibility to properly manage the personal information obtained from customers and others in the course of its business operations. Accordingly, the Company has established the following policy on personal information protection and will endeavour to protect personal information.
*This POLICY is a machine translation of the original text written in Japanese. In the event of any discrepancy between the translation and the original text, the original text shall prevail.[Japanese]

  1. Acquisition of personal data

    The Company may request that customers provide information such as company name, name, address, gender, telephone number, date of birth, email address, and other information that can identify the individual user (personal information) when using the Company's services or making inquiries. When acquiring personal information, the Company will clearly state the purpose and obtain the information based on the user's voluntary provision (registration).

  2. Purpose of use of personal data.

    The Company will use the acquired personal information within the scope of the following purposes and will not use it for any other purpose. If personal information is to be provided for purposes other than those listed below, the purpose will be clearly specified in advance.

    1. The Company will use the personal information for the following purposes:
      For the Company's consulting business and associated business activities (including services provided in connection with such activities) For market research and product development in the Company's business operations
    2. To provide information about and confirm registrations for various events hosted or sponsored by the Company
    3. To provide information about email newsletters, digital content, and other services
    4. To respond to inquiries made to the Company
  3. Security measures for personal data

    The Company will take necessary legal, organisational, and technical measures to prevent the leakage, loss, destruction, and falsification of the acquired personal information in order to protect personal information. However, personal information that has already been disclosed by the provider or is already publicly available will be excluded from the scope of management.

  4. Provision of personal data to third parties

    The Company will not provide the acquired personal information to third parties, except in the following cases:

    1. When the individual has given prior consent
    2. When required by law
    3. When necessary to protect a person's life, body or property, and it is difficult to obtain the individual's consent
    4. When particularly necessary for the improvement of public health or the promotion of the healthy upbringing of children, and it is difficult to obtain the individual's consent
    5. When cooperating with a national or local government agency or their delegate to perform legally mandated duties, and obtaining the individual's consent is likely to hinder the performance of such duties
  5. Outsourcing of personal data

    The Company may commission third parties to handle the acquired personal information within the scope of the intended purposes, after implementing appropriate protective measures. When commissioning the handling of personal information, the Company will carefully select appropriate contractors and take necessary and appropriate supervisory measures.

  6. Disclosure, correction, deletion and suspension of use of personal information

    The Company respects the rights of individuals regarding personal information and will promptly respond to requests from individuals to disclose, correct, delete, or suspend the use of (hereinafter referred to as "disclosure, etc.") personal information held by the Company, after confirming the identity of the individual making the request. However, this does not apply in cases where the Company is not obligated to fulfill these duties under applicable laws and regulations related to the handling of personal information.

  7. Revised privacy policy.

    The Company will respect laws, guidelines, and other norms related to the handling of personal information, and continuously improve the management system for protecting personal information. If the Company revises this "Privacy Policy" based on the results, the Company will announce the revision and the effective date on its website.
    The latest version of the Privacy Policy will always apply to the personal information acquired by the Company. Any such revisions will be posted on the Company's website and take effect from the revision date.

  8. Contact details for enquiries about the handling of personal data

    For inquiries regarding complaints about the Company's handling of personal information, questions, requests for disclosure, etc., please contact the following [Contact Information]:

    [Contact Information]
    CHAMPIONS ORDER Corporation
    Personal Information Consultation Desk

  9. Cookie Policy

    The Company's website uses cookies to provide users with the optimal experience.

    1. What is a Cookie?
      Cookies are a function that store information about a user's website browsing on the user's computer (PC, smartphone, tablet, or other internet-connected device). Generally, using cookies allows websites to skip the sign-in process and improve user convenience based on factors like the number of site visits. It is important to note that personal information cannot be identified from cookie data.
      Users can disable cookies by changing their browser settings. However, disabling cookies may result in the inability to access certain services. For details on how to change cookie settings, please check with the manufacturer of your specific browser.
    2. Purpose of use of Cookie.
      On the Company's website, cookies are used to improve user convenience, such as preventing users from having to repeatedly enter the same information when browsing the website. It is important to note that the cookie information acquired on the Company's website does not contain any "information that can identify an individual".
      On the Company's website, information collected through the use of cookies is used to analyse the user's website usage (access status, traffic, routing, etc.). This analysis is used to improve the performance of the Company's website itself, as well as to enhance and refine the services provided to users through the website.

      For this analysis, the Company utilises the access analysis tool "Google Analytics" provided by Google Inc. In the course of this analysis, information may be provided to the tool provider.
    3. About 'Google Analytics'
      Google Analytics uses cookies to collect traffic data. This traffic data is collected anonymously and does not identify individuals. The information obtained by Google Inc. is managed based on Google Inc.'s privacy policy.

      You can review the terms of use for Google Analytics and Google Inc.'s privacy policy at the following links:

      Google Analytics Terms of Use
      Google Inc. Privacy Policy

      If you wish to explicitly opt-out of Google Inc. collecting your cookie information, you can do so by visiting the following Google Inc. website:

      Google Analytics opt-out page
[Established] 1 April 2024
Representative Director, Takayuki Ishitani